Sunday, 25 August 2013

Knowledge Is Better Than Beauty

There is a very famous saying that the beauty is fade but the knowledge you have is for your entire life and we can say knowledge is forever, that is why according to me knowledge is very important and better as compare to beauty, Because knowledge ultimately gives beauty in personality.knowledge has a great power. One can communicate on the basis of his knowledge not the behalf of his/her beauty. Knowledge simply makes your personality more dynamic, energetic and beautiful but beauty can not makes you a good knowledgble person. so if you have a very good amount of knowledge then people will definetly do your respect and listen what ever you say with full concentration and intrest. And it is proved that if you have knowledge then you can talk without hesitation and you can pass your comment about what you know and can tell others that what is right and what is wrong, and definetly people will listen to you carefuly and learn from you because they know that you are a person who have some sort of knowledge. Knowledge gives you the power to influnce others and it gives you the power to stand in a big crowd with the high level of confident. If anybody has knwoedge then people will see him/her from positive point of view. As i mention earlier that through knowledge you can influnce others, so we can say that through knowledge you can be a good leader, because the big and chalenging role of leader is to influnce others and without good knowledge it is imposible to influnce people.

Here comes the main question if knowledge is soo much important then from where to get knowledge, actually knowledge comes from lots of different areas, now its depend on people that from which area they want to get knowledge, like some people believe on research so they are getting knowledge from different resarches, some believe on learning by doing things and get knowledge, and students work hard to get knowledge and for that they read lots of different informative books and knwoedge based articles. We need knowledge in the every prespect of life if you want a good job then for that you must need good knowledge regarding that particular job, can you get a good job on the basis of your beauty? Sounds like stupid, definetly No. Thats why i say that knowledge is very much important then beauty.

In some cases beauty has their certain importance, but knowledge let you shine like a star in any where any place of the world, Actually knowledge is like a candle which gives you light in the dark and gives you brightness in your life.

Through knowledge you can take right decision at right time, and because you take decision on the basis of your knowledge wether it is the knowledge of books or the knowledge that you get from your exprience, you stand like a strong tree on your decision because you know there is less risk of loss because of your knowledge regarding the decision you take, and definetly you will be very much confident on your decision because of your knowledge.

In last i want to say that knowledge makes you stand on the most higher position, remember one thing in your life that, walking in the sunlight can destroy your beauty but there is noting in this world that can destroy your knowledge. So always try to get maximum amount of knowledge wether it is related to your academics or not, but remember one thing always utilize your knowledge in the proper way, and try to give to  your society as much as you can.

1 comment:

  1. you are right knowledge is better than beauty
