Monday, 18 March 2013

Five Years Of Democracy In Pakistan (2008-2013)

According To Abraham Lincoln (Feb 12,1809 – April 15,1865) he said that “Democracy is of the people by the people for the people”, he said these words in the Gettysburg Speech, this was a very famous and inspirational speech by Abraham Lincoln.

But in our beloved country Pakistan the concept, image and perception of democracy is very much different from western and others democratic countries, in our country it is "Democracy is OFF the people, BUY the people FAR the people".

In-spite of this concept I am very happy to say that today first time in the history of Pakistan, Democratic government of my beloved country has completed its five year tenure. On 7th Dec 1970 First time The citizens of our beloved country Pakistan got the freedom of electing their leaders and masters, on that time Lok Sabha [Parliament Name of India (Hindustan)] was completing  his 5th democratic tenure(Tenure meaning is Democratic Period of 5 Years).

According to me the completion of this democratic period is not a real victory for the government because this government has been proved as one of the most corrupt of all past governments. Well we can consider it as a positive sign for the future of Pakistan because democracy has long term effects on foreign relations and on every sector with in a country.

According to TIP the Recent five years government has been the worst in the country’s history, and during the period of 2008-2012 Pakistan Is dropped from 47th position to 35th position on the most corrupt countries list from the period of (08 to 12), and this is very alarming situation for we people. So this is a good time to change our country to give vote to right person for the right job, because we have the right and freedom of electing our leaders and it is also our social and ethical responsibility to give vote to right person, because one good leader can change our country


  1. knowledgeable article to read

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