Thursday, 11 June 2015

How To Protect Facebook Account From Virus Tagging

Every Facebook user have a question on his mind that how to protect my facebook account from virus tagging, in virus tagging there could be a lots of things like unwanted tags of advertisement and now a days the condition is getting worse. Currently most of Facebook users are complaining that they have been tagged by their friends profile in vulgar and in many cases porn videos virus. So my friends after reading this post you will be able to protect to facebook account from all types of virus tagging
To get rid from virus tagging you have to follow the steps that you can find in bellow pictures. you following these simple steps you can protect your account from virus tagging. Keep on thing in mind that when ever you find any Porn/Vulgar Video on any of you friends profile do not click on that video, because this is a virus..

First of all login to you facebook account. and then follow the bellow steps.

Step 1: Click on facebook menu button, Step 2: Click on settings button
Step 1: Click on facebook menu button, Step 2: Click on settings button

Step 3: Click on Timeline and Tagging Button
Step 3: Click on Timeline and Tagging Button

Step 4: Click on Edit Button and Step 5: Click on Enabled
Step 4: Click on Edit Button and Step 5: Click on Enabled
Congratulation you are now able to protect your facebook account from unwanted facebook virus tagging.