Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Pakistan Sets World Record Of Planting 700000 Saplings

Pakistan Set A World Record Of Planting
Pakistan sets world record of planting approximately 700000 saplings in one day in 12 hours from 6 .20a.m to 7.30 on Saturday 21 June 2013 with the help 300 volunteers and with financial assistance of Asian Development Bank‚ Coastal Community Development and Forest Department.
These great 300 volunteers have presented their service for our beloved country and planted 700000 mangrove saplings (young plant) at kharochan in the coastal areas of thatta and break previous record of India of planting 611,000 plants.
About 300 volunteers have presented their service for our beloved country and planted 700000 mangrove saplings (young plant) at kharochan in the coastal areas of thatta

India set this record in 2010 and broke the earlier record of Pakistan when in 2009 over 541,000 seedlings were planted in the same area. But unfortunately due to lack of proper care most of these plants were destroyed. Now again we have set this record.

Other side of competition from India planting mangrove along coastal belt is very beneficial as they protect coastal belt by wave action as they hold soil together and minimize the damage against coastal erosion e.g. in tsunami and storms they provide shield.

Mangrove has also very good impact on weather because it has a great ability of capturing and storing carbon. On the other hand it provides shelter and home not only birds, sea turtles also make their nests in it. It is a great source of fish food, where ever mangrove are on a coastal belt there we found healthy marine life because reason is that along with feeding crabs and fishes it also provide refuge for fishes, monkeys and turtle

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