Saturday, 11 July 2020

The Game Of Unrealistic Targets In Banking Sector

The big giants of banking sector always wants the higher profitability weither it is realistic or not and put unbearable pressure on the front line manager to acheive that unrealistic targets, This is how the game goes on.

Every one think that person who are sitting inside the branch with full protocols are living their live in a very joyful  manner, but the reality is something very different and far worst from what we can't even imagine. 

The morning of a front line (Branch Manager) starts with the call of his/her supervisor he can be a Area Manger or BDM (Business Development Manager) and ask him to tell how much the deposit t
Will increase for the day? How many cases of Banca (Insurance), PL( Personal Loan) and Auto Loan will be booked today? Here the tension increases which leads to high Blood pressure.

Actually this is a daily drama specially in some banks, they just want numbers, they damn care about people(Employee) life, and being a employee of that organization we have to follow the culture and fulfill the requirements of organization. There was a time when branch Manger was supposed to be a very big Man of society he interact with all the person within the locality of 20Km on daily/weekly basis, because  on that time the targets was realistic so he spend his more time in creating good work of mouth and create brand loyalty of the bank from where he belong.

But now we are in 2020, Mangement is changing the branch managers very frequently even within six month of duration, So you can get the idea how much difficult this sector is getting, if you want to survive in this sector than you have to give full of your day and night to your job, and forget your social and personal life.

Few days back i was watching a report on bankers life in pakistan and targets, in which they took interview of some banker and ask question regarding their social life, more than 95% of bankers are completely dissatisfied from job and saying that they don't have any other option so they are spending time in this sector. Many of them quite banking job due to this unrealistic targets and starts his/here own business, Many from them continue his/here job try to manage the things and Many of them are even successful bankers because of their personality match with the nature of job. 

But we can not ignore that banking sector has a very good contribution in the growth of our economy, and a very good source of employment for youngster also.

So if we conclude all the things we can say that life of a banker in pakistan is getting tough and stressful which leads toward the job dissatisfaction which leads toward job switching, So Management has to set the targerts realistic so it can be achieved and employee remains motivated and satisfied. 

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