Sunday, 15 December 2019

Download Youtube Videos Without Any Software Or Android Application

Youtube is one of the most Popular website/Application when it comes to music and videos and it is also one of the simplest and user friendly website to use and search new videos, millions of videos are being uploaded on daily basis. and believe me mostly videos are very useful, but the problem arises when you have to download the video, as a we know that youtube is not providing any option to download its video. but there is feature through which you can watch videos in offline mode .

Mostly users are downloading youtube videos with the help of software's or android applications and most of the cases people on internet are using Internet Download Manager (IDM). But today i am going to show you how to download youtube videos without using any software or android application. Sounds like hard to believe but by using these simple steps you can download youtube videos easily. 

Step 1:

In first step you just need to logon to website " from your internet browser, in my case i am using google Chrome.

Step 1: Logon To ""

 Step 2:

In 2nd step you need search which youtube video you want to download, and open that particular video. there is search bar in youtube where you can search million of videos.

Step 2: Click on any video you want to download

Step 3:

In third step you have modify the URL, Type SS before "" and after "www." 
Step 3: Modify URL. Type SS Before ""

Step 4:

In Last step just you need to click on download.
Step 4: Click On Download

Hope you will easily understand these simple steps, if you are having any issue regarding understanding or you know any other easy steps to download youtube videos without any software please contact us "


  1. Thanks for Sharing This Wonderful Post, It Really Works. Thanks

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