Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Why Do People Smoke?

Why Do People Smoke?

Smoking Cigarettes is really very bad habit and people know it very well but even they smoke. Cigarette contains a very large amount of nicotine, and that nicotine gives comfort to the smoker. curiosity some times motivate new smokers toward cigarette. Most of people say that they smoke cigarette because it reduce the cause of depression and anxiety.
Well according to me now a days smoking has become like a fashion, and this thing is very bad news for any society. Smokers get fascinated from people of their circle, and while smoking cigarette they feel pride.
Many People say that they smoke because cigarette help them to reduce their pain and sadness.
Smoking has now become like a social weapon, like you can introduce yourself to anybody by means of offering him a cigarette.
Some people say that smoking relax your mind and even some people say that smoking makes dull mind feel active.
Well this is overall psychology of why do people smoke, But we also can't deny that cigarette is the causes of many diseases like Cancer, lung cancer, blindness, acne, Hair loss, Heart attack, asthma and Wrinkles..
So Please Do Care Of Your Family, And Do Not Smoke, Because Life is too short to waste in Smoking Cigarette..